Employee Rights, Responsibilities and Assistance

Mandated Training
All staff need to know certain information about their rights and responsibilities. Some of this information is for their own protection, other to ensure the rights and safety of children. Because this information is so important, you are required to review it annually.

The Procedures, Rights, and Responsibilities Regarding Discrimination and Harassment required reading is an online document that you read and electronically sign off indicating you have read the document. Click here:
Mandated Staff Training 2024-25
Employee Assistance Program
The Needham Public Schools Employee Assistance Program is with The Human Relations Service located in Wellesley. Please visit their website for contact information and further details. Mention that you are affiliated with Needham Public Schools when you call.Click here for the Human Relations Service brochureThere are five free visits available to use.An EAP is a benefit to help school employees and their families cope with the stresses of life and work-including personal and family issues, drug or alcohol problems, and job related tensions. The EAP helps employees by offering both treatment and prevention services. It provides confidential counseling, consultation, and education. 

Pregnant Workers Fairness
As of April 1, 2018, Massachusetts has amended current state law against discrimination in employment. M.G.L. c. 151B, ยง4, forbids discrimination against employees due to pregnancy or conditions related to pregnancy. In addition, the law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to an employee who is pregnant or who has a condition related to pregnancy. This includes but is not limited to, lactation or the need to express breast milk for a nursing child.
Click here: NPS Pregnant Workers Reference page 
Access the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act for additional information.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Employee rights Under the Family Medical Leave Act
Please email the [email protected] for assistance with this process.

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